Sunday, February 6, 2011

100 Bible Verses [Book of the Week]

Some people don't like to travel and ride airplanes but I enjoy it.  I love checking out airport terminals, to see what makes each unique.

I am based in an area where winter can be really cold and harsh.  Fortunately, I got a big break from winter as I was called on for pediatric nanny duties to my nephew in sunny California. 
It was my first time to travel through snow.  The airport runway was full of it and it was amusing to see the trucks plow the snow one after the other.

Our flight would take a total of 5 hours and 45 mins with an hour stop over at Reno, Nevada.  It was a good time to sip my soda and start reading my new book:  "100 Bible Verses everyone should know by heart" by Robert J. Morgan.  I received this book as a free gift from David Jeremiah's organization as a token for our donation.

The author took a lot of time and effort in writing the book and though it was definitely difficult to choose only 100 Bible verses from thousands written, he did an excellent job.  He shared many illustrations of how people's lives were changed, encouraged and strengthened by claiming God's promises in His word which they have memorized and "hid in their hearts." 

I recall our youth group leader who took time to let us memorize
Psalm 1.  It was a tedious task at that time but I thank God for how it has influenced my life.

If you have children, encourage them to memorize Bible verses so that they will "hide it in their hearts so that they will not sin against God."

Likewise, as adults, it is not too late to start reading and memorizing Bible verses.  Start with John 3:16 -
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoseoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

We finally arrived Cali safely. 
So for the next 14 days I say, goodbye winter, snow and bitter cold....
Hello sunshine and earthquakes!

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